วันเสาร์ที่ 5 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

What love is >>>?

When you love someone, say it. Say it loud. Say it right away, or the moment...just passes you by." 
"It's not too hard to find some love but it's also not easy to make that love to be forever." 
"It's easy to say 'I LOVE YOU'. But only 'I DO' says you're really one, for always..." 
"True love lasts forever." 
"Love..like fine sand. Grasp it and it will quickly slip through your fingers.Cup it gently and it will fill the voids of your soul as sand seeks to fill the spaces in your hands." 
"In real love you want the other's person good. In romantic love you want the other person." 
"Where the relation is one of love, words are of no use." 
"Love conquers everything."

"When love meets happiness begins." 
"Don't go find LOVE, Let LOVE finds you." 
"Love is just a four letter word with so many meanings behind it." 
"Love sees not with the eyes but with the Mind." 
Love cannot see or even touched
Close your eyes , felt it with your heart
And use this feeling to find your Destiny love

When you''re in love...... 
life is like a romance novel that you never want to end. 
When you love someone...... 
you''ll do anything to reach the heart of the one you love. 
When you feel true love...... 
you follow the way of the heart. 
The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched, 
they must be felt with the heart. 
True love is like a jigsaw puzzle. 
The pieces will find themselves when they are right for each other. 
To love is nothing. 
To be loved is something. 
To love and be loved is everything!! 
It''s not too hard to find some love...... 
but it''s also not easy to make that love to be forever. 
Thoughts of you brighten up my day. 
When you love someone, say it. 
Say it loud. Say it right away, or the moment just passes you by. 
It''s easy to say "I LOVE YOU". 
But only ''I DO'' says you''re really one, for always. 
If you love someone, put their name in a circle, instead of a heart,
because hearts can break,but circles go on forever.

